to be able to make this trip we lasted eight months planning it, this trip we decided to do it by land since we could know more the Colombian landscapes.
We were very happy to arrive at this place since it was a dream to be able to walk through those streets and get to know the culture of its inhabitants, the first thing we wanted to know was the vallenata legend park since in this park the vallenato festival is held in where many of the best singers of this region attend, then we go to know the square alfonso lopez and we finish our tour in the guatapuri river where we met the monument of diomez diaz who is one of the most important vallenato singers in history, We were able to take photos and learn a little about the vallenata legend, then we were in the river Guatapuri, which is famous and very visited by tourists, in this slugar we can see some very attractive monuments to see the first vallenato songs, a monument in the form of accordion, and some of the most emblematic singers of vallenato.

while we were in the guatapuri river we could see that they like to eat iguana in sweat, the fish accompanied by patacon and in many cases coconut rice and banana with coastal cheese, the cassava bun with atollabuy serum that is a kind of cream of sour milk cheese byproduct.

in the guatapuri river at night, vallenatero groups attend to brighten the atmosphere h make us feel at home.

  • Anecdote : I was in the main square, we wanted to take a family photo, it was twelve o'clock and the sun was super concentrated and we had to run to take the picture, it was very chic because I felt that my sandals went straight, they were all sluggish because like all good Bogotanos we love the cold.each one ate like three scratches ... it was a great anectota because we knew it was a very hot climate and without embago so we stayed.

  • Create a video in which the student will explain an ideal trip for him

PORTAL 3: His/her daily routine

Daily Routine

  • She Wakes up 
  • She gets up at five am 
  • She makes the bed 
  • She has breakfast  scrambled eggs with coffee or juice and she the prepares also his children
  • after that, she brushes her teeth
  • Ending this activity the housewife has a shower 
  • Next, she dries with  a towel
  • She combs 
  • Later she dresses 
  • She prepares the suitcase  his children of fourteen and sixteen years old
  • She puts the coat and  takes them to the school
  • later she prepares the lunch and eats with his family 
  • She cleans her house 
  • She washes clothes and tends
  • Share a pleasant time with your family 
  • Rest well
  • She Prepares the dinner
  • And finally, lie down 

PORTAL 4:Activities she/he likes and dislikes:

Activities she likes and dislikes

Image 1

Hello I want you to know that I do not like ironing the truth I get tired and it bothers me that the garment is ruined on the one hand while I iron the other.

Image 2

I like to wash the dishes because it calms me to feel the water running through my hands is a sign of life.

Image 3

I like to shine the floor because I love reflecting on it, also with the movement of the glitter I exercise my body.

Image 4

I am an expert cleaning the dust since it is the mainstay of my profession, apart from that my effort is reflected and it does not take much time.

Image 5

I cook in all my places of work and I have great sason, they all suck their fingers with my exquisite recipes.

Image 6

I prefer others that you do before mopping because it makes me strain my spine a lot and it causes me ailments.

Image 7

Little I like to wash since it takes away a lot of time.

PORTAL 1: Physical description


Our housewife is;

  • she is Slim your body is delineated 
  • she has a brown hair
  • Her eyes are black 
  • Her hair is smooth
  • Her hair is long 
  • Her eyes are small 
  • She has a triangular face 
  • She is tall 
  • She measures approximately one hundred eighty
  •  She is fairly young 
  • Her lips are red
  • Her lips are small
  • Your skin color is white
  • Her nouse is small 
  • Her smile is beautiful
  • Her legs are thin  
  • Her arms are thin 
  • Her ears are small 
  • Her hands are Small and are soft 
  • She has one another freckled 
It is necessary to say that the housewife is one of the most complex and least remunerated professions, but without a housewife who acts as a friend, counselor, teacher, doctor when you are sick, it is the ideal profession because in it she always you are going to find the solutions you are looking for

    PORTAL 5 What is his/her house like?

    My house

    The kitchen is very big so you have to do a lot of work and when you get tired I drink a glass of water.

     The room is very big and I have to clean it all the time because it gets dirty a lot.

     The dining room has a glass with which I must be very careful since it can be scratched.

     The laundry room has a washing machine and an ironing table that is where I am most of the time.

     The children's room is one of the most complicated to clean since it always has a lot of clutter and I have to clean up a lot.

     The patio of clothes is the one that I like the most since it has fresh air and I can relax feeling the air running down my face.

     The bathroom in the main room has a large tub where every morning its bubbles make me very happy.

     The other bathroom must be very careful as there is always the wet floor and we can resave.

     Our master bedroom has a very soft bed where I sleep every night.

    PORTAL 2:Personal Information:

    Profession: Housewife

    I am Gloria Leon, a 46 year old Colombian woman from Duitama Boyaca, mother of 5 children aged 31, 30, 18, 16 and 14 years old.

    I am a homemaker since I have been a doctor from home for a long time: I always get up early and frequently do general cleaning in my home, I always have to prepare food and keep my house clean,

    besides being aware that delo s boys are up to date, to have income I help in the homes of my neighbors doing household chores such as washing, ironing, cleaning and cooking.

    I really like to water the plants and feed the cats in my house.

    Of all those who do the least L like to perform is ironing because the heat makes of me a little sick and I get too tired of my hands.